16 weeks
Pregnancy: 16 weeks
Weight Gain: -3 lbs {I’ll know the true amount on Friday}
Sleep: I sleep great on the weekends. Come Sunday night, it’s a mess. I think it has more to do with work than anything else.
Gender: We’ll find out on January 3rd!!! {don’t forget to cast your vote over on the right!}
Names: TBD
Feeling: Great! This week was pretty uneventful.
Health: After I wrote about the cramping and RLP, it seems to have calmed down. And of course, since I am writing this, they will be both back with a vengenance.
Movement: Nothing consistent yet.
Belly Button: Normal.
Cravings: I really wanted a milkshake this week. And the hubster did not disappoint.
Next Appointment: This Friday, December 10th {at 16wks3days}