25 weeks

Pregnancy: 25 weeks

Weight Gain: +1 lb. {I knew my days of zero weight gain were over.}

Sleep: Sleep is over-rated right?

Gender: All boy!

Names: No news on the name front. It is getting a tad annoying to be asked almost every single day if the baby has a name. If we knew {or wanted to share}, we’d tell you!

Feeling: Sore. Baby boy has found the same comfortable spot as his brother, my ribs. Right now, he has his little {yeah, right} head wedge under my right side. Feels dandy when he stretches out. I’m glad he’s comfortable because I sure as hell am not. Small price I have to pay, right?

Health: I had a little freak out at the doctor yesterday. The nurse took my blood pressure after a half hour wait {don’t even get me started on that} and she told me it was 156/64. Say what? #1 – That just doesn’t look right. And B. say what? She wrote it down and said the doctor would probably want to check it again. I’m glad she did. They took it a second time: 122/64 {perfect!}. I am loving these numbers and hoping they stay that way.

Oh and might I mention that Baby Boy is measuring 2 weeks ahead. E was the same way. For a 35 week old preemie, he was 6 lbs. Had I gone full-term, he easily would have been 9-10 lbs. If all goes as planned, I think this is going to be one big boy.

Movement: Is there something as too much movement? Sometimes I wonder.

Belly Button: Getting flatter

Cravings: I really want a milkshake. But by the time I get around to getting one, I am too full from the day to have it. I will get one this week. I will!

Next Appointment: Glucose Test, February 18th {oh joy! oh fun!}

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  1. OH I loathe the glucose tests. I had to have the 3 hour one with each of my boys. Try fallig asleep in the office when it is empty and waking up surrounded by people .. Yeah embarassing.. As far as the name when people ask tell them Thing 2 and you are renaming baby E as Thing 1 bwhahah

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