37 weeks
Let me start this post off much like yesterday’s…
Did I get your attention?
So I had my 37 week appointment yesterday. I got a tad worried when the nurse told me that my blood pressure was 138/88. Not horrible but up a lot since last week {124/76}. I shook it off and figured they would just keep an eye on it. After waiting over an hour, the doctor finally came in. She immediately brought up the mildly high blood pressure and was wavering back and forth on whether or not to make the call right then. Then she looked at my feet. They were pretty swollen, red, hot to the touch, and very squishy. Again, she wavered on whether to make the call right then and there.
Instead of upping the boy’s birthday, she decided to send me for non-stress test {NST} on Thursday. This will give them another blood pressure reading and make sure that yesterday wasn’t a fluke {hard day at work? annoyed about having to wait so long?}. The NST is scheduled for Thursday at 3.
Here are the possibly scenarios Thursday.
BEST CASE. Blood pressure is “ok”, baby boy passes the NST, blood work is fine and they send me home. I go to my regularly scheduled appointment next Monday and we repeat the NST next Thursday. Baby boy is born on the 17th as planned.
WORST CASE. Blood pressure is high, swelling is bad, NST is no good and my blood work comes back horrible. Baby boy is born Thursday night/Friday morning.
MOST LIKELY. Blood pressure is still mildly high, pass NST, bloodwork is OK, c-section is rescheduled for next Tuesday or Thursday.
And that is how I lost my 2 week lead time and I am freaking the f out.
Pregnancy: 37 weeks
Again…i know I am repeating myself…RELAX. If you dont calm calm down you will FAIL NST! Hoping that everything will go as you have planned. Getting excited for you!!!
Holy crap. I was induced for high bp. I failed my NST on my due date and they induced me that night. Wouldn't let me go home so be ready! Lots of water!!! Feet up! Good luck mama! I'll be thinking of you!
Also, this will make you feel better: http://www.ourgrowinggarden.com/2010/07/why-mexican-food-on-hot-summer-day-may.html
Fingers crossed for a good outcome!
I'll be thinking of you! Fingers crossed for a good outcome! I'd say to try to relax, but we know that's barely possible! 😉
EEEKKK!!! I hope it's THIS week 😉 CINCO DE MAYO!
Try and rest and relax as much as you can! Hoping your BP is down and you pass the NST! We are never prepared for our babies to come!