What to Expect After You’ve Expected: 5 Postpartum Essentials
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of DulcoEase® Pink™. The opinions and text are all mine.
Having done this pregnancy thing twice, I’d like to think I know a thing or two about all of the fun stuff that goes on with your body. Everyone prepares you for what happens during pregnancy, but for some reason they shy away from what happens after you have delivered your sweet bundle of joy.
Well, I’m gonna let you in on a few of the things that I learned first hand.
5 Postpartum Essentials
1. Bust out the granny panties. Sure the mesh panties they give you at the hospital are oh so sexy {who could resist!}. I stocked up on some cotton granny panties before delivery and I am so glad I brought them with me. They helped me feel a little bit normal and comfortable.
2. Get a good sports bra. No way will you feel like strapping those babies into a regular underwire bra nor will you want them to be hanging free.
3. Grab a pillow! If you had a c-section, a pillow will be your best friend! Hold it against your belly when you need to laugh, cough, sneeze, or get out of bed. My nurses took a few baby blankets and taped them up to make mine. Whenever, I needed to get up and walk around, I would hold the blanket against my incision to help me feel like I was going to fall apart!
4. Ice packs. If you don’t plan on breastfeeding or can’t, these will help you so much! I found that the little boo-boo ice packs for kids fit perfectly in my sports bra. It was a little funny to stuff a Nemo ice pack in my bra but my boobs thanked me for it!
5. Take the Stool Softner. You will thank me for it. This is especially important if you had a c-section and/or are taking a narcotic. Things tend to get a little, um, backed-up. Every new mother’s toolkit should include DulcoEase® Pink™, the #1 OB/GYN recommended ingredient* for going #2. So if you are pregnant or breast feeding, ask your doctor if you should think Pink. Find savings on DulcoEase® Pink™ at www.MomsTalkDulcoEase.com!
*Among stool softener ingredients
Some other postpartum advice:
– Take the help! No one expects you to be supermom from day one. Your body has been through hell and back and needs the time to recovery. If someone wants to make you dinner, let them. If someone wants to clean your house, let them and ask when they are coming back next week!
– Sleep when the baby sleeps. I know it’s cliched but you really need to listen to this one. The laundry and dishes can wait. They will still be there after your much needed nap.
– Eat and drink lots of water. Are you sensing a trend? You need to take care of yourself!