
5 Reasons I Encourage My Kids to Play Sports

This post was sponsored by Boys & Girls Clubs of America as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Having our children active in any sport is really important to us as parents. We don’t care what they chose to play as long as they are playing!  If there is one thing that I learned from watching my nieces play a wide-range of sports (from gymnastics to softball to lacrosse to basketball to soccer) is that the skills they learn on the field carry to off the field.

That opportunity should be given to each and every child and that is why programs like the Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Triple Play is so important. The Triple Play program promotes the three pillars of wellness—mind, body and soul. Boys & Girls Clubs are dedicated to instilling positive health and wellness habits in America’s kids. Clubs encourage kids to eat right, keep fit and form positive relationships with themselves and others. Smart nutritional choices, active lifestyles and self-confidence are integral to helping youth reach their full potential and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Since Triple Play’s introduction in 2005, more than one million Club members have participated in the program, and increased their physical activity, established good nutritional habits, developed interpersonal skills and improved self-confidence. There are great lessons and activities from the Triple Play program that into their routines – especially during school breaks.

The Triple Play pillars are the exact reasons why I encourage my own kids to play sports!

5 Reasons I Encourage My Kids to Play Sports

Participation in sports by children is associated with a range of documented physical, emotional, social, educational, and other benefits that can last well into adulthood.

1. Good health. Sports encourages children to move! As children get older, it’s harder to get them outside and moving. By having them involved in sports at a young age, I am instilling in them healthy habits.

2. It’s ok to fail. There is no better way to learn how to be a good sport than to fail. In fact, it’s one of the things we stress the most with our kids. You are not going to win every game. There will always be someone bigger, stronger, or faster. But…

3. Learn from their mistakes. Once your child learns that it is ok to fail, they can do the work to get better. Learn from their mistakes. Work harder. Get better.

4. Be a part of something. One of the things that team sports can give to children is the feeling of being a part of something. Being on a team with a common goal and working together to achieve it. This not only teaches goal-setting but also how to be a leader.

5. I got your back. My kids know that I will always be there to cheer them on. Whether I’m sitting on the sidelines or helping them a difficult time, they will know that I will always be there for them. It starts by showing up. To every practice. Every game. They know they can count on me to be there.

About Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Boys & Girls Clubs provide safe, fun and affordable places for kids to go during out-of-school time to connect with caring, trained professionals and engage in enriching programs and activities. Clubs serve 4 million kids and teens annually at more than 4,300 Clubs in communities across the country, from dense cities to suburbs and rural areas, to native lands and U.S. military installations worldwide.  For more information on Boys & Girls Clubs of America, reference the At-a-Glance fact sheet:  


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One Comment

  1. Way to go Ben! We took our son too for soccer here for the first time. We keep telling him, the more you practices, the better you gets! Thanks for sharing.

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