5 Summer Recipes I Can’t Live Without

Summer is here and with it warmer weather! That means I don’t like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen or turn the oven on. During the summer months, I rely on recipes that don’t require a lot of prep time, the oven, and are quick.

If it weren’t for my go-to recipes, we would eat out a lot or eat the same thing over and over again. In fact, I am working on new summer recipes this year so we can have even more of a variety to choose from!

5 Summer Recipes I Cant Live Without

5 Summer Recipes I Can’t Live Without

Frozen Lemonade
frozen lemonade 20
Three simple ingredients blended together to create Frozen Lemonade, a refreshing summertime drink. Now that you have the recipe, you can skip the drive-thru!

Crunchy BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad

crunchy bbq ranch chicken salad

When it comes to simple dinners, this Crunchy BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad doesn’t get much easier! Not only is it a simple meal, it’s also inexpensive making it the perfect dinner for those tight times around the first and fifteenth of the month.

Frozen Yogurt Dipped Mango Pops


These Frozen Yogurt Dipped Mango Pops are so refreshing and are perfect on a hot summer’s night.

Mango Quesadillas

cinco de mango quesadilla

Quesadillas are a go-to dinner in our house. They are quick and we know everyone will eat them! The downside? It can get boring. Switch it up with this Mango and Chicken Quesadillas.

Frozen Lemonade Pops

frozen lemonade pops-1

Now that you know how to make frozen lemonade, take it to the next level! Frozen Lemonade Pops are the perfect treat after a day playing outside.

moms tell all

Looking for more recipes Moms can’t live without this summer? I’ve teamed up with seven other moms to spill the truth behind motherhood! Check out what they have to say.

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