All My Bags are Packed

Tomorrow could be D Day. Baby no-name {who am I kidding, he has a name, we are just torturing everyone!} could be making his arrival tomorrow evening {maybe Friday}. The past 3 days we’ve been trying to get prepared. After all, we weren’t expecting this for another week and a half.

I’ve given up. I resigned on the notion that we will be ready. The house won’t be clean before I leave in the morning {the hubster can take care of it while I’m gone}. The laundry won’t be done {again, the hubster can take care of that}. The nursery won’t even be all ready {see previous statement}.

And that’s fine.

Oh, who am I kidding. I talk a pretty good game.

I am not ready. I wouldn’t be ready if I had another 9 months to prepare. Are we ever ready? Are we ever fully prepared? We would be fooling ourselves if we thought we would be.

There are a few things that I am ready for.

I am ready to meet my baby boy.

I am ready to see E with his new brother.

I am ready to be done being pregnant.

I am ready to start our journey as a family of four.

Tomorrow is out of my hands. The doctors, baby boy, and my body will determine what happens. And honestly, I am fine with that. I have to be. I can’t control anything anymore.

In honor of baby boy’s arrival, vote for us!

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  1. Happy pushing! (or however your new baby gets here-LOL).

    april@Party of Five

  2. OH hun I am hoping not tomorrow and yet I want it to be tomorrow.. if I feel like it has been forever since you found out I can only imagine how you feel..

  3. I stand ready to take over your blog as soon as you send me the text!


    Let's go baby boy, let's go!

  4. good luck πŸ™‚ I hope you get a few more days to settle into the idea. but whatever happens, it will all be fine.

    i better get my guest post ready though πŸ˜‰

  5. Good luck! I hope it all goes just as smoothly as it can and that you ease through labor and delivery with barely a flinch πŸ™‚

  6. oooh how exciting! congrats and best of luck : )

    cute blog, by the way – i'm your newest follower

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