And So It Begins

Ethan: “Mom!”

Me: “Yes, Ethan.”

Ethan: “Benny’s going upstairs.”

Me: “Benny is not going upstairs. He can’t get up the steps.”

A Grande Life | Wordless Wednesday

Oh yes he can!

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  1. HA! I totally get this. Our one-year-old is climbing EVERYTHING! I’m scared and nervous. Quick! Get me a cup cake!

  2. Awww so cute. This is such a proud moment, and a ‘Crap now I need to keep him off the stairs’ moment. 🙂

  3. I love to hate when they get to a new stage, and it always happens too fast.
    What a cutie.

  4. Haha this cracked me up. I think our boys are pretty much the same age. Mine just started doing this too…first time he did it was on concrete steps outside…sigh. No fear these boys!

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