Attack Plan
First, I want to thank everyone who left such kind words and helpful suggestions yesterday. They really did help me put some things into perspective! You all seem to agree that I am being hard on myself. To that I say, y’all can’t see my house!
Second, I came up with an attack plan. A few simple things that I am going to do every day to help with the messy house and my sanity.
1. Take a shower. No matter what I will get a shower during the day, every day. That will be 15 minutes to myself that I so desperately need. If that means, E watches yet another show and B has to cry in his bouncy chair, than so be it. It needs to be done.
2. If only one thing gets cleaned during the day, it will be the kitchen. Dishes will be put in the dishwasher, bottles washed, and counters wiped down. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
3. Stop trying to clean up after Hurricane Ethan. We will have 3 designated toy clean ups {before lunch, before dinner, and before bed}.
4. Vacuum under kitchen table and wipe down kitchen table after dinner. This is easily the messiest place in our house.
5. Give E more chores. The kid loves to clean toilets and dust so I need to use that to my advantage more.
6. Everyone dressed after breakfast, even if that means just throwing on another pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt. I agree that I find that I am more productive when I get myself put together in the morning.
These are my baby steps. I am going to try and keep to this simple routine. Once I get this down pat, I will start adding in more things.
Before you know it, I’ll be throwing on my apron and pearls and have a fake perma-smile on my face!
good plan! 🙂
That sounds like a good plan.
If it makes you feel any better, I cleaned behind the toy box yesterday. I found a half empty bottle of Diet Coke. No one here drinks that stuff, so I'm speechless as to how it got there!
Steph, You are doing great. E & B don't care if you are in your pjs, haven't showered, brushed your teeth or that the house is a mess…..please come to mine. I WILL NEVER get ahead! Taking the kids to the playground or just outside is all I can about so each day. I can not worry about what gets/doesn't get dome! Someone once told me put on some jewelry you will fell like a hundred bucks! And anyone that judges the condition of your home has no business visiting! LOL You will find your stride in time, just be patient! Sometimes there just isn't enough time in the day to get everything in that you want/need to! There have been many a day that I realize it is 6pm & I haven't brushed my teeth showered or put on deodorant & I have An almost 7yo & 4yo!
Those sounds like wonderful places to start! Sometimes just taking those first steps helps us get things less hectic! Showers are totally UNDERrated! I wish I could take 5!
This sound like a great plan. Those 15 minutes in the shower do help. Before having a baby I never knew how precious my time in the shower was. Now it is my oasis.