‘Tis the Season…for Blog Conferences

Blog conference season is upon us! I am ashamed to admit this but I have never been to a conference. But this year is different. This year I plan on attending two conferences: Bloggy Bootcamp Philly in May and BlogHer12 in August.

I am already busily preparing for these conferences. From media kits to trying to find some sponsors to what will I wear, I am making my list and checking it twice.

You wanna see my to-do list?

  • Media Kit
  • Sponsors
  • Re-do blog design {in the works and it’s so pretty!}
  • New business cards and business card organization

I am in desperate need of business cards. There are so many options out there. It truly is overwhelming. After looking around at a few different companies, I checked out Tiny Prints. They have never disappointed me with their other products {their cards are amazing!} so I knew their business cards would impress me as well. And impress me they did! I honestly didn’t even know where to begin!

There were so many to choose from! I want something simple but will stand out. I have it narrowed down to three choices.

I really, really love the third one! I love the folded look and I like that I can add my picture and my logo.

Up next? Figure out a way to organize the business cards I will collect. I turned to my good friend, Pinterest, for ideas. And I think this one is the winner!


Disclosure: I was provided 50 business cards in exchange for this post. The opinions are mine.

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