The Day in the Life of a Work-At-Home Mom

Or otherwise known as “Bring Your Child to Work Day…Everyday.”

Most days start with an early morning meeting in our executive lounge. My employees are committed to starting their day early!

After we debrief about the day, coffee is in order. If we are going to plug through this day, we are going to need it {and lots of it!}.

Then, it’s time to get down to business. Work. Work. Work.

I have a great assistant who is also the head of security. It’s nice to know we have a watch dog protecting the office.

Our head of technology is always up on the latest advancements. He is a quick learner and shows me a thing or two.

Our employees are fortunate that we subscribe to the European work day and a siesta is forced upon all under the age of 5 {how else can the big wigs get their work done}.

Our employees have been with us for almost 4 years and 1 year. I for see them being here for awhile!

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  1. Hi Steph! I am interested in knowing how long you’ve worked from home and do you work for yourself or a company? I do not have kids yet but I have a ton of friends who have started and I always find it interesting what avenue a mother takes when having kids, if they work from home or if they look for daycare. Daycare seems to be awfully expensive and depending on how much you are taking home it almost cancels out the check. Do you find yourself productive working at home?

    Stopping by from FBF on Chasing Joy πŸ™‚

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