Brotherly Love

I knew they were going to be best friends from the beginning. Their special bond was evident in the first days.

A Grande Life | Brothers

As the days and months passed, you could see it growing stronger.

A Grande Life | Brothers

It’s really picking up steam now. Now that they can get into trouble together.

A Grande Life | Brothers

Now that they can play together.

A Grande Life | Brothers

Now that they can laugh together.

A Grande Life | Brothers

I know their bond will only get stronger as the years go by. You can see the love and admiration for each other in their eyes. I can’t wait to see what these two have in store for us.

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  1. aww you gave me little tears! I can’t wait to see how my son does as an older brother. Your two are so stinkin’ sweet together!

  2. This was such an amazing post.
    Those boys are so adorable!

    I know how you feel.. I have two little girls whose relationship is blossoming more and more every day.. I love it.
    Such a great post.

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