
Celebrate Knolly Nibbles Week!

Knolly Nibbles


Knolly Nibbles May Be Small – But She’s ALL Heart!

We were first introduced to Knolly Nibbles at Sweet Suite last month. To say that we were touched and speechless after learning about this tiny little mouse making a huge difference in the world is an understatement. Not only is she absolutely adorable with her heart shaped ears, but her personality and determination that shows through her stories are amazing lessons for everyone every where, not just children!

Knolly Nibbles meets the media
photo by Toy Insider


Who Is Knolly Nibbles?

We were instantly drawn to Knolly’s story. Being a sweet little mouse born without a tail and two heart shaped ears, she realizes she’s different. With one look at her mommy and daddy she see’s that she’s not quite like them. She tries to find the right one, and her parents do everything that they can to help her. None of the tails Knolly tries seem to be the right fit. 

Knolly’s father tells her that she is special just the way that she is and she realizes that she doesn’t need to change. In fact she shouldn’t have to change to be accepted and loved. She knows how much she is loved just the way she is. A message that anyone at any age should take to heart. As an adult having that self-awareness and confidence is tough – imagine that of a child – a child with special needs or disabilities, no less. 


Sharing Knolly’s Story


Knolly Nibbles is a forever friend

When I returned home from Sweet Suite one of the first items I shared with my daughter was the Knolly Nibbles plush and book that I was given. It was a story that I was surprised a very active 3 year old sat through and enjoyed. Not only that, she remembers. 

I was shocked when we were out one day and she saw a little boy with a congenital limb defect on his right arm, and she whispered to me “Mama he’s special like everyone else, just like Nemo with his special fin and Knolly without a tail.” She actually “got it”. She understood the message behind the story. 


Join Knolly’s Adventure




We join Knolly on adventures where we learn that all life is important and everyone has something Special to offer. It’s tough being small these days in a harsh world. Knolly hopes you will join her in Nibbleville where we nibble on knowledge, heartfelt and sometimes silly stories, quotes of courage, confidence, love, strength and life’s simple pleasures. Knolly teaches us to love ourselves just the way we are and wants us all to know EVERYONE IS SPECIAL!


In just 2 days you can join Knolly’s adventure too! On Wednesday, August 17th Knolly will have her very own APP! 

Its an INTERACTIVE story of little Knolly Nibbles who is born without a tail and heart shaped ears, Knolly wonders why she is so different and longs for her own tail,  she goes out on an imaginary adventure to find the perfect tail, before she realizes she IS special just the way she is!

Don’t forget to check out Knolly’s special story in 2 days! You can find her app in the App Store for any iPhone or iPad. We would love to know what you think of her! 

Keep Up With Knolly Nibbles

Knolly - App

 Knolly Nibbles Website

Knolly Nibbles Facebook

Knolly Nibbles Twitter

Knolly Nibbles YouTube


Because we believe in Knolly Nibbles and the power of her story we chose to share this information. In all actuality A Grande Life/Kids Toy Picks was offered a complimentary app download to share this information with you – but we refused any type of compensation from DGL because we genuinely wanted to share this content.


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