Come On Irene | your three words

I really just want to go ahead and get this weekend over with. I am preparing for the worse and hoping for the better.

We had to cancel to Ben’s baptism this weekend due to the impending storm. I know it could be worse and have vacation plans ruined {I’m so sorry Jenni!} but it was actually a blessing in disguise seeing that I have absolutely nothing prepared for it. I should be running around like an idiot preparing for the party instead I am running around like an idiot preparing for the storm.

I went to the grocery store last night for a few essentials {water, bread, snacks, diet coke} and I was shocked to see the store wiped out. And not just wiped out off water, bread, milk and eggs. The usual “oh my god we won’t be leaving the house for days because of the snowpocolypse and gosh darn it we need to have french toast!” hysteria that takes over the area when they predict more than 5 inches of snow. Everything was wiped out. Everything. 

I have been craving Mexican food lately {no, I am not pregnant, far from it} and want to make tostados tonight. I went to grab some cheddar cheese and they were completely out. Out of cheddar cheese. All brands, all sizes. No cheddar cheese! I guess the mice need to eat too.

Today, I am taking on the task of making sure that my family is prepared for a very possible power outage {our development has bad luck with that}. Here’s my never-ending to-do list:

  • Charge electronics {especially portable DVD player and cell phones}
  • Find batteries {the stores are completely out}
  • Bake {I have some muffin and bread mixes in the pantry. Extra snacks are helpful.}
  • Finish the mound of laundry…so we all have clean underwears…just in case. 
  • Put all supplies in a central location so we don’t have to go looking for them. 
  • Clean the tub so it can be filled with water tomorrow {this is a foreign concept to me but I guess it doesn’t hurt!}. 
  • Put together some things for E to do without power {puzzles, coloring books, books}. 
  • Secure everything on the deck. {I have a feeling it will all be in my kitchen.}
  • Pack a bag in case we need to go to my parent’s. They typically do not lose power and said we could camp out there if needed.
  • Find some more diet coke! {I left the store without it. That is a national disaster in and of itself.}
Thankfully the brunt of the storm is supposed to pass through over night so hopefully the kids will sleep right through it. I know the hubster won’t. Me, I can sleep through anything!
Everyone on the East Coast stay safe and be smart! It will all be over soon!

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  1. I'm sorry you had to cancel the baptism! It just sucks in general for everybody. 🙁

    Oh, and I just heard about the tub thing this morning! They said if your tub is full, you can still flush your toilet without power. I had no clue!

  2. This is scary stuff. I hope you don't get hit too bad.

    Of course we ran out of milk right before Snowmaggedon hit. I couldn't believe the things that were out of stock at the store. I love that Diet Coke is one of your essentials.

  3. What?? No Diet Coke… that isn't good.

    I hope that everything is ok and you guys make it through the storm.

  4. Good luck! If you have the money, you can always buy a generator and still have power 🙂 I live in Florida and we were without power for over 2 weeks during one hurricane season. It gets old real quick!

  5. Stay safe. I can't believe they were out of cheese. How is that the first thing people grab?

  6. Sorry about the cancellation. Hopefully it will give you more time to prep for the baptism. Our grocery store was out of bananas. Yes, bananas. WHO IS EATING BANANAS DURING A HURRICANE? I guess all of suburban Philly, that's who. My poor Ben almost had to go without until Grandma saved the day by bringing a bunch down. Stay safe!

  7. Hope you are hanging in there. We are ok (obviously still have power) and hoping to hold steady through the night.

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