Daybook: August 3rd


Outside my window…flowering hydrangea bush.

I am thinking…about how E is doing at daycare.

I am thankful for…all of the time I spent with E this weekend.

From the kitchen…wondering what I am going to make for dinner. No food in the house and I desperately need to go grocery shopping.

I am wearing…khaki capris, brown shirt, and my favorite Old Navy flip flops.

I am creating…a ton of blog posts for the week!

I am going…to the copier to kill some more trees!

I am reading…a bunch of emails from the weekend.

I am hoping…that the day goes quickly so that I can spend some time with E.

I am hearing…silence! Co-irker is out for the next 2 weeks!

Around the house…The house is a disaster due to the bathroom remodeling. I can not wait for it to be done so that I can vacuum and straighten up (I can’t believe those words came out of my fingers).

One of my favorite things…having a picnic with E in the basement and playing Noah’s Ark. I am definitely going to do that with him more often.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Get through the work week and then 2 birthday parties to attend! A jam packed weekend but a fun one!

Here is picture thought I am sharing…E having his first Mrs. Field’s Mini Milk Chocolate Chip Cookie at the mall (a favorite childhood memory of mine).


For more daybooks, head on over to The Simple Woman’s Daybook.

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  1. I'll give you a shout out. Sounds like my day…minus E since I don't have one.

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