
Elf Outfitters

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Super Kevin!

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I know what you are all going to say. “You got sucked into the Elf on the Shelf movement. You are now one of those people.” Please let me take a moment to defend myself.

I swore I would never become one of those people who tried to outdo herself every night in finding a creative way to display her Elf on the Shelf. And I’m not. What I am enjoying the most about Elf on the Shelf is Ethan’s excitement over finding his Elf, Kevin, each morning. He loves it! Whether I make Kevin zipline in the living room or just place him on the shelf, Ethan is excited.

And that is what it’s really all about, right?

I promised myself when we started our Elf adventure that I would not go overboard. But then, I came across Elf Outfitters.

elf outfitters

Elf Outfitters is for every parent who has a Family Elf. Did you know that for every creative person, there are 1,000 people who are not, or don’t have the time, or wish that they were? Websites like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and amazingly written mom blogs {ahem, like this one!} have all upped the ante when it comes to showing off your creative flair. And when it comes to your elf, you can forget about simply sitting him on a shelf. You can feel the pressure to keep up with all the elves who are making snow angels!

If you are one of those 1,000 people who don’t have the time to be creative, Elf Outfitters has got you covered. They have come up with a fun collection of Elf Kits that you can use to create fun and easy elf scenes. Their collections are made to look “Elf Made” and all the more believable to young elf enthusiasts. Elf Outfitters will help inspire you and bring your Elf to life!

When I received my Elf Superhero kit, I knew it would be a hit with Ethan! What 4 year old boy doesn’t love superheroes?!

Ethan was in awe when he saw Kevin with his superhero cape. He had a ton of questions. Where did he get it? Who made it? Why do it have a “K” on the back? All day he kept going over to Kevin and staring in amazement!

elf on the shelf elf outfitters
If you are don’t have a creative bone in your body or just don’t have the time but want to get in on the Elf on the Shelf craze, Elf Outfitters is here to help you!

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

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  1. How cute! I was looking at a skirt for our Elf the other day but didn’t want to pay almost $10 for that tiny piece of fabric… I know that I can make something similar for a lot less money!

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