Encouraging Reading with Bookboard

This article is sponsored by Bookboard. All opinion are my own.

Growing up, I loved to read. I started reading at an early age and took to books naturally. Most summer days, you would find me either lounging on our back porch or in my window seat in my room reading. I read everything from Babysitters Club to Choose Your Own Adventures to Sweet Valley High.

Fostering a love for reading is very important to me. I still love to read but, often just don’t have the time. When I first got my iPad, I thought it would help me get back into reading. I have read a few books {Hunger Games} on my iPad and enjoyed it. I would read more often on but there’s a little problem. The kids have permanently claimed the iPad their own.

And that’s ok.

What they don’t know is that I have secretly been encouraging them to read through the apps I have installed. Tricky mom! The newest app that I have added to our collection is Bookboard.

encouraging reading with bookboard

What is Bookboard?

Bookboard is a children’s book service that encourages and supports a new generation of readers with a different approach to reading on digital devices. Rather than providing a digital marketplace where families buy and download books, Bookboard offers an affordable subscription service that allows instant exploration of a vast, curated library.

Bookboard aims to inspire young readers by helping them discover new titles and earn fun achievements. As they read, families discover, unlock, and collect great stories to foster a sense of accomplishment that keeps kids coming back for more. At the same time, parents can track reading progress, and use our fun metrics to motivate kids to read even more.

Why is it important to encourage reading?

  • Children regularly read to by an adult arrive at kindergarten ahead of peers, scoring 10 points higher on standardized reading tests. (National Center for Education Statistics, 2000)
  • Children who are read to at least three times a week are twice as likely to score in the top 25% in reading, compared to those read to fewer times per week. (U.S. Dept. of Education, 2002)
  • Students who reported reading for fun every day had higher than average test scores. (National Center for Education Statistics, 2000)
  • Reading not only improves literacy skills, but also boosts problem-solving skills, and emotional and social development. (Harvard Family Research Project, 2003)
  • Creating a steady stream of new, age-appropriate books has been shown to nearly triple interest in reading among kids. (An Assessment of the Impact of First Book’s Northeast Program, 2003)

encouraging reading with bookboard

Sign up for Bookboard!

Signing up for Bookboard is easy – it only takes 3 steps. Then tell Bookboard about you and your family of readers, and it will tune the library for each kid. As kids read more, they’re rewarded with more books based on their reading habits and interests. Bookboard grows with your family – new books and fun, delight-driven features are added monthly to keep readers engaged. Need more iPads to share Bookboard with your family? I know we do! When you sign up for Bookboard and read a book by February 11th, you are automatically entered in a chance to win a free iPad mini. Rules and details can be found at Bookboard.com.

How do you encourage your children to read?

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  1. I like this idea! Very cool. My youngest is just getting into being read to nightly and she loves the iPad, so this is good. Still working on how to get my older one to like reading, she struggles so much with it.

  2. I love this idea and am going to have to check it out! My oldest and I just started reading The Little House on the Prairie and it is one of my favorite times that we share together. My boys would love this!

  3. I am going to try this! My research is on kids’ picture eBook reading comprehension, and I haven’t tried it out yet.

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