
When It’s Over

Finally, my girls’ weekend getaway (times 3) has officially come to an end. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed every minute of those weekends {fun times were definitely had} but they have definitely worn me out! A combination of running myself ragged and being almost 34 weeks pregnant has finally caught up with me.

This past weekend, we took my mom to AC {Atlantic City} for her birthday. We haven’t gone on a trip like that in a long time {something we did at least once or twice a year}. We knew we had to get one last one in before I had the baby.

The weather was perfect! Not too cold {although you wouldn’t have been able to tell looking at the two of them, I was sweating and they were bundled up!}. We had a nice dinner at PF Changs and then we saw Cirque de Soliel’s Alegria.

Please don’t ask me what it was about because I have no clue! It was a good show though. The clowns were hysterical!

After the show, we decided to do a little gambling. I am sad to report that I did not hit the jackpot. But you probably already knew that because why would I be sitting here blogging if I won a ton of money, right?

By the time we got back to our rooms, it was 11:30. I was a swollen mess, tired, and ready for bed! Thank god the beds were comfortable. One of the best nights’ sleep in a very, very long time!

Even though I had a lot of fun, when it all came to an end, I just wanted to be home with my boys! I really did miss them the past 3 weekends.

So what’s on the agenda for next weekend?

We decided that Saturday needs to be a family day! We are hitting the Baby & Toddler Expo {thanks to Mama’s Little Helper!} and then we are going to Strasburg to ride some trains. I know E will have a blast! We are trying to savor the last few weeks we have as a family of three.

Before we know it, we will be a family of four!


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  1. 1 – Because of the title I now have Sugar Ray's song in my head… So thank!

    2 – I love AC! Where did you stay? That room looks gorgeous (and the beds look super comfy)!

    3 – I've been wanting to take my little ones to Strasburg Railroad but haven't gotten there yet. Sounds like fun though! Have a great time!!

  2. Steph, I gave you a blogger award. Check out my latest blog post to see which one it is. Congrats! http://dsgnmomonline.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/the-versatile-blogger-award-my-very-first-award/

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