First Haircut

I caved. Benny’s hair was driving me nuts! It was over his ears, down his back, and uneven. E had to get his haircut so while I was there I decided on a whim to get Benny’s trimmed.

I waited forever to get E’s cut. He had gorgeous curls and it was wild hair! I waited well after his first birthday to get him trimmed.

Ethan ~ 1 year old.

But, this time, I just did it.

And I’m glad I did!

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  1. Look at all that HAIR. My baby is 16 months old and has barely enough to see. I call him my Charlie Brown baby! Your little guy looks so grown up without the curls!

  2. SUPER cute!!I Xander didn’t have his first haircut until he was 18 months. His hair grew so slowly but with #2 he has so much hair already at 11 months. It will be a sad day when I have to cut it for sure. Once the baby curls are gone they are gone. Sigh.

  3. Oh my gosh I am just LOVIN’ Benny’s haircut! I’ve been holding off cutting my little dude’s hair because I just can’t part with the curls yet but I know it’s a-coming soon! 🙁

    1. He looks so grown up with his short hair! I couldn’t believe what I difference it made.

  4. I think I’ll cry at Elliot’s first hair cut! I don’t plan on cutting it anytime soon, but I know it will be a difficult day for me. Hopefully I’ll end up liking it as much as you do!

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