Friday Fave Five
I was so bummed that I missed last’s week Friday Fave Five but I was terribly busy at work then had to take E to an unexpected pedi trip (all is fine!).
1 – Last Friday, we all went over to my parent’s to celebrate my dad’s birthday. There’s a farm behind their house and I took the kids to go exploring in the cornfields. They were hesitant at first but soon were having a ball!
2 – We spent the whole day Saturday with my sister and her kids. We started off at Sophia’s first soccer game of the season. E just wanted to get out there and join them.
3 – My sister just couldn’t help but spoil E and give him his first lolli.
4 – Then it was back to playing sports. E was having a ball playing baseball. The bat was as big as he is! But that didn’t stop him!
5 – The night ended with us having a campfire and making ‘Smores. Once again, Auntie couldn’t help but let E 4 marshmallows. He loved them!
Head on over to Living to Tell the Story to see more Friday’s Fave Five.
I love me some smores. We make them in our fire pit in our back yard. The Boy has an obsession with fire right now for some reason so we haven't done one in a while
Campfires, smores, cornfields and first lolli's. Sounds like a great week!
Your little "E" looks so much like my baby (who is now 27). His pediatrician used to call him "The Incredible Hulk." He was just so huggable. Enjoy these years.
That corn looks lovely. All the corn around my neck of the woods is all dried out by now. E looks like he was having fun with his first lollipop. He's so adorable. Sounds like he's going to love spending time with his Auntie. 🙂
Sounds like it was a great family time together! E certainly looks like HE enjoyed the whole thing!
Sounds like a wonderful time, especially for E. We always enjoy things more when our children are happy!
Stopping by from sits. Your son looks adorable with his first lolli!
Stopping by from sits to say hi. You child is adorable
LOL about the lolipop — my sis gave my oldest her first french fry.