Getting Rid of the Boy Bathoom Smell with Zep Commercial


Sigh. We have a real problem in our house. The boys, well one boy in particular, has turned our downstairs powder room into a porta-potty. The smell. Seriously people, be glad that they haven’t invented Smell-A-Vision. Because the fact that I have to smell it is problem enough.

When we set out to potty train Ben, I knew he would have troubles with his aim. But you see, the problem still remains. I don’t know what he does in there but there is always a puddle…or two…or three. I mean come on!

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Note to self. Don’t walk into the powder room…barefoot…without turning the light on…after he’s been in there. Let’s just say I have learned that lesson the hard way. A few times. And let’s not even talk about all the times he completely missed the toilet and it all went into the trash can. That’s a delight to find when you are emptying the trash.

After I get over the initial stench that hits you like a wall, I turn to the sink. There’s always something in the sink.

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From dirt to food to God knows what. I mean really, what are they doing in there?!

And if I am being 100% honest, there’s my mess.

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So between the pee puddles and debris in the sink and makeup on the vanity, I need something that will really get the job done. To combat the porta-potty smell, I have tried everything. And I mean everything! I even went as far as to try a pet cleaner to remove urine smells. But nothing works.

Until I was introduced to Zep Commerical.

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Let me just tell you, that @%!# will clean anything! ANYTHING!

I went to town with the Quick Clean Disinfectant. It kills most viruses in 30 seconds to 2 minutes, which is faster than the average disinfectant that needs to sit on a surface for up to 10 minutes to work. Quick Clean kills bacteria fast, fitting into your cleaning routine. It also kills Rhinovirus, the causative agent of the common cold.

To keep up with my newly cleaned (and fresh smelling) bathroom, I have been using the All-Around Oxy Cleaner and Degreaser.  This versatile multipurpose cleaner with Oxy action to tackle tough stains and degreasing action to break up grime. Perfect for daily use in kitchens, bathrooms, and throughout the home, yet safe on delicate materials such as upholstery and granite. Great on the following stains: Red wine, blood, fruit juice, food stains, urine stains & dirt. Did you read that? It works on urine stains!

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I wish I could report that are aim problems are under control but I don’t see that happening for awhile. In fact, I have heard this is something I am always going to battle. Good thing, I have the right cleaners (and rubber gloves) for the job now!

Disclosure: I cleaned up with Zep Commercial® as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars.  All opinions are my own.#TryZep

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  1. This sounds like a MUST for any mom of boys – let alone those moms who ONLY have boys!
    I would like to also add – to any woman in a house with boys – never – NEVER – sit on the toilet without first wiping the seat!

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