Happy Mother’s Day
I hope all the mommy’s out there had a great day with their loved ones yesterday. I know I did.
My mother’s day started off on Thursday when my little man sent me flowers to work.
Then I got more presents when I picked him up from daycare on Friday. I knew they were working on something and I couldn’t wait to see it!
On Mother’s Day, we headed to my sister’s for brunch. E made everyone a special gift and was so proud to hand them out. He kept saying “my project” and “I made this.”
After brunch, we headed to MIL’s house for an early dinner of ribs, corn on the cob, and baked beans. I was in heaven! After dinner, we headed outside to take some family pictures.
It was a pretty good Mother’s Day. Now what to do about Father’s Day?
Looks like perfection to me!! The cute little photo gift was darling and your family is just beautiful!