I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

I hate teeth!!!

Yeah, he looks all sweet and innocent, doesn’t he? But that guy and one of his buddies is currently torturing E. Which then leads to E torturing me. I understand that it must be a painful thing to have these mean guys busting through your gums but does mommy need to feel the pain too? I guess so.

He doesn’t want to eat (which is highly unusual for him), he’s whiny, he’s clingy, he’s miserable! He wants you to pick him up then changes his mind and pushes you away. He comes and wants a hug but that’s an ulterior motive to get close enough to bite you.

Then there’s the 3:45 AM wake up call. It can’t just be a simple cry out to Mom. No, high pitch, blood-curdling scream, as if someone was hurting him. Hubster jumped out of bed to see what was wrong. But E wouldn’t let him pick him up. Which lead to more blood-curdling screaming. He finally got some Tylenol in him and brought him to bed with us.

It started out ok. He wanted to lay on my pillow (which is cute but not at 3:45 am). His head was right up against mine. Then he wanted to lay with the hubster. But instead of laying like a normal person, he laid across the bed, with his toes in my stomach. And, of course, he just can’t be still. No, that would be asking to much. He started kicking his legs around.

Finally, hubster had enough. He took him downstairs and laid on the couch with him. All was quiet for a while and I thought it was ok to finally fall back asleep. As soon as I was drifting off, there was that screaming again.

I think it was around 5 am that we finally got him to go back to sleep. It felt like no sooner than I closed my eyes, the hubster’s alarm went off. I laid there waiting for E to get up (I think he hears the alarm clock).

And I’m still waiting. Figures, right?

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  1. Isn't teething such a lovely time? *COUGH* I have three little angels, (part time angels if you please) I feel your pain!

    And the coming to bed but refusing to lay still thing is so annoying. You get to the point when you just will them with your mind powers to please lay still and SLEEEEEEEEEP. Never works. My mind powers suck the big one.
    Thanks for stopping by my site today!! Have a great day xx

  2. Oh I am dreading the teething stage that is yet to come. Blugh!!!

    Hope you get some sleep tonight!

    Stopping by from SITS

    PS – fab pics by the way!

  3. I remember those days. I use to feel so bad for my little guy. My Dad use to put brandy on my gums when I was little. I never did that for my son. He just chewed on ice rings. I wonder if it really works, the brandy?

  4. Oh man! 🙁 Miserable! My first son was awful with the teething! My daughter on the other hand – you wouldn't even know she was teething. I feel for you and hope that things get better soon!!

  5. it's a little thing i like to call TEETHING HELL but (thank goodness) it doesn't last forever! hang in there!

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