I’m Retiring My Judgey Pants

I’m hanging up my judgey pants and reserving them only for special occasions {like Girl’s Night Out!}. I used to wear them proudly. That was until tonight.

Tonight I was that mom with that kid. I have never been so embarrassed by my own child. I can do plenty enough to embarrass myself!

It’s about 112 outside {totally not joking about that one} and I didn’t feel like cooking {like I ever do!}. We decided to go out for dinner to E’s favorite restaurant, the Pepper Restaurant. He was doing great for most of the meal but then he started playing the “I have to go to the bathroom” game. Since he is newly potty trained, I don’t like to risk not believing him so we went to the potty and then went again and again some more. After the fourth trip to the bathroom, I was done.

Thankfully, we were done eating at that point. The hubster went to the car to get it cooled off while I paid the bill. Huge mistake: He left E with me.

Then it happened.
The mother of all temper tantrums.
In what felt like hours for the waitress to bring me my card back, I could feel the stares. Then the people behind me asked to be moved. I just wanted to get the hell out of there.
While we were leaving, I looked around for sympathetic moms. Instead, I got death stares. You know the ones. The “Why the hell can’t you control your child”. The “Would you just leave so I can eat my fajita in peace.” The ones I, myself, would give when there was child acting like a monster.
Never again.
Never again will I give another mom {or dad} that look.
Instead, they will get a smile and a nod that says “I’ve been there. It’s ok.”.
Which is exactly what I needed in that moment.


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  1. Oh, I'm so sorry you couldn't find a sympathetic face in the place. This too will pass. And you probably won't ever have to face those people again.

    Sending a belated wink and a knowing look in your direction. My 4 have given me plenty of embarrassing moments, tis true, but they are definitely worth it.

  2. awwwww that stinks. i wish i could say something encouraging here but i can't. cuz my kid threw tantrums too. i just acted like no one else was looking at me, cuz lets be honest: while they may look ticked off they're prolly thinking "thank God my kid is at home with a sitter" or "Whew! i'm glad we're past THAT hellish stage".

    for real.

  3. I'm sorry also that you couldn't find a sympathetic face. I try to always give the 'suffering mom' a smile and if she's alone a hand, usually not taken lol. There was a woman at the grocery store the other day who's baby was screaming and she was obviously just a few days old and mommy was still wearing her maternity clothes because that uterus takes forever to shrink down! I helped her put her stuff in the cart and she thanked me. It's nice to feel like you made someone feel better even for a second. Hooray for the pants being retired haha

  4. I have so been there! I am just sorry that the others (who have probably been there too) didn't even give you a sympathetic face.

  5. I completely feel for you. I tend to always be that mother… wish I was there to give you that knowing and encouraging look as you were leaving.

  6. We had our first inconsolable public moment in outback tonight. I feel your pain and IT IS OKAY!

  7. OH man I am sorry you had to feel that way.. I would have jumped up to help you or something momma

  8. I know it is hard not to judge when in that situation. Everybody really loses. There are no right or wrong people or words. Just hang in there. I came by from the blog hop and I was already following thru GFC but I did follow today on Facebook and Twitter. I don't know if you follow my blog thru GFC but would appreciate it if you could check and I would greatly appreciate a follow on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks so much and have a great day!


  9. Yep, been there! Every mom must be officially initiated with a good tantrum! I've got five kids, so I know exactly what you're talking about!

    I'm a new follower from the Sunday blog hop. Hope you'll come check out my place. πŸ™‚

  10. Sorry no one was sympathetic, I've tried to say something if I see it just because sometimes the child will calm down(even for a moment) when a strange face steps in =}
    I'm a new follower from Follow Us Monday Morning HOP =)

  11. Welcome to the "club". The thing is, with most kids, you never know what you're going to get. I flew alone with my kids a couple weeks ago and lets just say, things don't always go as seamlessly as we would like most of the time–I wanted to just cry by the time the "flying" day was over. AND, we need to remember (and this is the hard part), those other people don't matter. Your kids do. So, try not to "act" the way you think those people want you to act. Act how you and your child need you to act in the situation. The reason we get frustrated a lot of times is because we care too much what the other people think. Believe me, I'm STILL trying to learn that. It's hard!! I hope next time is better for you!

  12. Oh man, so rough! That sucks, I would have shot you an encouraging glance πŸ˜‰


  13. Ugh! we have ALL been there!!! Too bad you ended up there alone πŸ™ Better luck next time & I'm sure when you're giving your sympathetic gaze the other parent will be forever grateful!!! Reciprocation at it's best!!! I am a new follower & can't wait to read more!!
    Tx ~ LF

  14. We have ALL been there, it doesn't usually happen often and now that I have children I totally am sympathetic. During one moment like I that, with uber Mom staring at me in her perfect little suite with her robot child, I may have sarcastically said "Man, it must be nice to have the rule book shoved so far up your ass that you child sits so well. Hate to be you when he rebels" and stomped out. My husband may have been slightly embarassed.

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