I’m So Embarrassed

Today’s your three words is brought to by the letter E.

{walking through Target}

E: Mom!! Mom!!

Me: What baby?

E: You have one of those.

Me: One of what baby?

E: Those things. {points to the hot pink bras on the end caps}

Me: Yes, I do. {please get distracted by something else}

E: Mom! Mom! You have those too. {points frantically to the itty bitty thongs}

Me: Not quite, buddy.

E: Mom?

Me: What now?

E: You have those on today?

Me: {pushes cart quickly out of the clothes section while the workers are giggling}

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  1. Coming over from Jenni's blog hop. I had one of those embarrassing moments today myself. In the grocery store my 4 yr old walked up to an overweight woman, pointed to her belly and asked me if that's where her baby was. I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me! Kids, gotta love them!

  2. Bwhaha this reminds me of my post Ginas & Boobies. http://babesrockinmami.com/2011/09/ginas-boobies/

  3. hahahaha. oh, out of the mouths of babes. I guess I shouldn't laugh too hard – Leo is getting to that age and I'm sure I'll be less amused when it's me turning red.

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    In moments like that I just remember all the naked baby pictures I will be taking out and showing my sons girlfriend someday! I'm all about fair play! πŸ™‚

  5. Saw you on Jenni from the Blog… This is hilarious. I literally laughed out loud. Kids definitely say the darnedest things πŸ™‚


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