
For All You Love

This post was written for The Motherhood and J&J. All opinions and thoughts are my own. 

Every day, mothers put their children before themselves. Call it mom guilt. Call it it being a mom. But we do it. We run, run, run to get things done for them. Run to preschool. Run to Target. Run to baseball. Run for ice cream. We run, run, run. They say jump. We ask how high.

And we do it for them. e04eebc2bb2311e2891a22000a9d0ec6_7 And it’s so worth it.

We do it because the minute those screaming little babies come into our worlds, our world is no longer just ours. It’s their’s. Everything we do has an impact on them.

For all you love, you do it for them.

This past Mother’s Day,  JOHNSON’S® Baby has established JOHNSON’S® Baby CARES Care Cards, a digital e-card platform encouraging moms to share positive messages of encouragement with other moms across the country, while simultaneously supporting Save the Children®.

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