Jumping the Gun
I really can not believe that we are steamrolling our way through fall and winter {read: snow} will be here before we know it! And you know what comes after winter, right? Spring. {read: my baby will be one and my other baby will be four!}
Am I jumping the gun? Sure. It’s what I do best. I am always jumping ahead and thinking about what is going to happen, instead of what is happening. What can I say, it’s a strong part of who I am. I would be lying to you if I didn’t stop and admit that I am currently planning both of the boys’ birthday parties {backyard barnyard for Benny; ice cream party for E}. That will take place in May. May, people?! See, it’s just who I am.
But while my brain is trying to process what is going to happen six months from now, there are many things going on around me. A big goal that I currently have for myself is to enjoy the moment…to really immerse myself in what is going on…to take it all in.
I mean because, hey, my baby is going to be one soon and my other baby is going to be four. They surely aren’t going to slow down. I better enjoy every little piece of them now. It won’t be long until they are both moving out of the house and I will be stuck with just the hubster. Oh dear, now that is a thought to process!
Jumping the gun a bit? Maybe.
But it’s how I roll.
Do you jump the gun? Please tell me I am not the only one!
You are definitely not alone! The boys are only 18 months apart, and now that B is 20 months old, I'm realizing the little things I missed when C was his age. It's hard not to think ahead (ehm, I'm already thinking about C being in kindergarten and B going to preschool – 2 years from now!). I think as moms, we sometimes need to plan in order to survive!
Naw, I had started planning Lexie's party when she was 6 months old! Enjoy it! and with things like Pinterest…how can you not start planning? : )
you are SO not the only one! I planned Owen's 2nd birthday party in July…which wont be till June16th, 2012! lol
When you get a good idea, RUN with it!
I have a similar problem of forgetting to live in the moment, but rather than jumping the gun I'm constantly behind the camera and I forget to just enjoy the moments I'm trying to capture. So I can relate!
Nope, you're not alone in feeling this way. I was talking to a friend just today about who is going to host New Year's Eve!