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Kit Kat Cake

A chocolate frosted cake, surrounded with Kit Kat bars, topped with M&M’s and wrapped with a beautiful ribbon makes for one of the best birthday cakes ever!

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What’s a mom to do when it’s her son’s 9th birthday and he requests a Kit Kat Cake as he’s walking out the door for school? Well, she makes him a Kit Kat Cake!

Before you go thinking that I slaved away making this cake, I am going to let you in on a little secret. I did not bake this cake. I made the cake but I had zero time to actually bake the cake. I simply swung by my local grocery store, grabbed a pre-made cake, and got to work.

You can wow your family with your own Kit Kat Cake in about 10 minutes.

Kit Kat Cake

kit kat cake

How to Make a Kit Kat Cake

To make this easy Kit Kat Cake, you will need:

Start by taking off any decorations that your cake may have. Mine had a left-over flag for Memorial Day on top. If you are baking your own cake, ice with chocolate icing.

Next, open your Kit Kats. You will need to break them so be careful when you do! When I broke mine, I made sure to keep them in order as it helped them line up nicely on the cake. Line your cake with your Kit Kats. 

Now you are ready to top with the M&M’s. Don’t be shy! Just go ahead and dump the whole bag on top.

To finish, tie the ribbon around the Kit Kats to help keep them in place. It really is that simple.

Kit Kat Cake

Kit Kat Cake

A chocolate frosted cake, surrounded with Kit Kat bars, topped with M&M’s and wrapped with a beautiful ribbon makes for one of the best birthday cakes ever!

Active Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Difficulty easy


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  1. Start by taking off any decorations that your cake may have. Mine had a left-over flag for Memorial Day on top. If you are baking your own cake, ice with chocolate icing.
  2. Next, open your Kit Kats. You will need to break them so be careful when you do! When I broke mine, I made sure to keep them in order as it helped them line up nicely on the cake.
  3. Now you are ready to top with the M&M’s. Don’t be shy! Just go ahead and dump the whole bag on top.
  4. To finish, tie the ribbon around the Kit Kats to help keep them in place. It really is that simple. I can not wait to show my new 9 year old his birthday cake when he gets home from school. Dare I say this might just go down as the best birthday cake ever!
I can not wait to show my new 9 year old his birthday cake when he gets home from school. Dare I say this might just go down as the best birthday cake ever!

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