Long Weekend.

I had a nice 5 day weekend over this Thanksgiving holiday. It made it so hard to come back to work. We got a lot done and spent a lot of quality time with E.

Let’s see what I’ve been up to…

Wednesday ~ I took E down to see my parents at their work. E was not in a good mood (he was starting to get sick) so we didn’t stay long. After dinner, we attempted to take E to see Santa. He has been so obsessed with the fat man that we thought it would be a piece of cake. E was not having it. This story deserves a post of it’s own so stay tuned.

Thursday ~ Happy Turkey Day! We started our feast at my parent’s house. We went over early in an attempt to get E to take a good nap there but he had other plans. He was not feeling the turkey but did feel the sweet potatoes and proceeded to rub it all over his hair. Did I mention that he just had a bath? Well, he got another one shortly after dinner was over.

Here he is fresh out of the bath. I call this his frat boy look.

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After dessert at my parents, we headed to MIL’s. E had so much fun playing with his cousin, Braeden, that we didn’t leave until almost 10!! The kid was like the energizer bunny. He just kept going and going and going….

Friday ~ I skipped my annual trip to the Flea Market with my mom. They were calling for freezing rain (which never happened). The hubster and I decided to head to the Home Depot. They had a great deal on a 7 ft Christmas tree. I have been wanting a new tree for a while now and this was the perfect opportunity. And for $50, we couldn’t pass it up.

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I was tempted to do some more shopping but with a sick kiddo in tow, I knew it would be disasterous. Plus, we had 2 more stops to make later that day.

We went to FIL’s first for a linner (not quite lunch but not quite dinner). E had a ball playing with Benson the cat. I wish I would have taken my camera out but I was too busy making sure he didn’t pull his tail or pounce on the cat.

After FIL’s, we went back to my parents. We gorged on leftovers and pie and headed to Kohl’s. I bought way too much (the hubster is going to kill me when he gets the bill this month) but it was stuff I really needed (clothes, of course).

Saturday ~ I cleaned the entire downstairs. I mean, I cleaned, cleaned. The clutter is finally gone. My motivation was to get the house ready for Christmas. That afternoon, the hubster climbed into the attic to get all the decorations. E wore his Santa hat while he helped put decorations out.

After we were done, I became incredibly sad. All my hard work cleaning was ruined. There were boxes everywhere (still are) and debris. ::Le sigh:: The hubster promised to fix this all for me!

Sunday ~ We continued decorating. We went back to Home Depot to get some things we had forgotten Friday. Somehow, I was convinced to get not 1 but 2 inflatable yard decorations. I swore I would never be that person and now we have 2! They are only 4 ft tall so they aren’t that bad. Plus, E loves them (more on that later).

As you can see, I have had a very long and busy weekend. I have so much more to share but it most definitely deserves its own post.

I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day!

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