Family Fun Night: Movie Night Essentials

Movie Nights are the easiest family fun night for us to plan and do. It doesn’t require actually leaving the house and everyone can be comfortable.

Quality family time is really important to many families, especially when you have a busy schedule. Sure, you spend a lot of time with each other when you are running to and from activities or cheering them on at sporting events. But you need other ways to have some family fun as well. 

These family fun nights are a great opportunity to really talk to your kids. You can find out so much when you put the cell phones, tablets, and video games down and do an activity together. This is especially important as they get older and may not want to do a lot of things together. You have to get creative! 

You don’t have to plan elaborate family nights for them to be fun! They can easy and simple things, like just watching a movie. The important thing is that you do them and do them often!

The hardest part? Picking a movie everyone wants to see! If you are having a hard time choosing, here are some ideas:

  • Someone’s birthday? They get to pick!
  • Did someone get an award at school? They get to pick!
  • Put movie names in a hat and pick one. 

Movie Night Essentials

Family Fun Night: Movie Night Essentials

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