My Love/Hate Relationship with Facebook
By now, you have heard from many of your favorite bloggers about the changes that Facebook is making to our Facebook pages. They are making it harder and harder for anyone to see the updates from the pages they like.
I mean you liked them for a reason and now Facebook is deciding for you if you really do want to see those updates.
I could just drop the page but I do love the little community that we have built. When I have a question, you’re there to answer it. When I need a suggestion, I get them! And I love that about the Facebook page.
But, since not everyone is seeing those updates, we need to work around it.
First, let’s take a look at what is going on.
Why aren’t you seeing me on Facebook?
I have almost 2400 Facebook “likes” in my A Grande Life page {and if you don’t “like” me, this is a good time to go over and do that}.
Of those 2400, on average, only 100 are seeing my posts. One. Hundred. This occurs on my pictures that I share {and if you follow me, you know that I post A LOT of photos}.
But when I ask a question or just do a straight text post, I get more {closer to 300}.
I have tried to figure out the who, what, where, and, most importantly, the WHY of all of this but it has just left my head spinning.
So how can we fix this?
First, if you want to see my updates over on Facebook, go to my page and make sure you “like” it.
Next, make sure you are following.
And, then finally, on the “liked” drop down, click “Get Notifications”.
That should help you be able to see my page’s updates.
But there are other ways you can follow me.
Ways to Follow A Grande Life
I am trying to be more active over on Google+ so make sure you head over there and add me to your circles.
I push out all of my new posts over on Twitter {@thestephglover} and I am trying to get back to engaging more over there. I miss the Twitter chatting so make sure you @ me!
I’m bringing my weekly newsletter back! In the newsletter, you will get a week’s worth of posts. It comes out every Friday morning! I promise I will not spam your inbox and will only send it out more than once a week if I have something AMAZING to share!
You can sign up HERE…
…or at the bottom of every post.
And there you have it! You should be able to find me any time, any day, whenever you want! And, as always, thank you for being a part of my little space on the web.
I hate that the reach with facebook is so incredibly low! It drives me batty! Great post though!!
Facebook is annoying!! Thanks for the tips though.
I haven’t had any problems with Facebook, but I think the key is getting people to comment and more importantly to share your posts….which is just luck of the draw! I really do hate Facebook though…