
Pickin’ Blackberries | Longview Center for Agriculture

Today, I was invited {along with some other fabulous Philly bloggers} to go blackberry picking at The Longview Center for Agriculture. E was so excited to go to a “farm” and pick all the blackberries his little heart wanted.

We were given a tour of the farm by one of the “farmers” who was very passionate to share the mission and goals of Longview. You can tell that all of the people that work at Longview take great pride in what the farm is doing {and they should!}.

The kids were encouraged to get down and dirty and explore all that the farm had to offer. They were allowed to pick flowers, tomatoes, and even taste some apples that aren’t quite yet ready for the picking. Leave it to my goofball to actually like them!

Then it was finally time to pick blackberries! They warned us that they had a great weekend of people coming  in for blackberries but we had no problem at all finding them! Once I showed E what he was looking for, he quickly filled our bag.

I can’t wait to start baking with these delicious blackberries!

We will definitely be heading back to Longview to pick some more fruits and veggies in the very near future!


Longview {formally Willow Creek Orchards} is a regional farm hub that reconnects the land, our community, and the food that sustains us. It consists of 90 acres of certified organic farmland {including an organic fruit orchard} and on-site Farmer’s Market that has some of the yummiest treats! The Longview Center for Agriculture is located 3125 Stump Hall Road in Collegeville, Pennsylvania.

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  1. It was a wonderful time…..I am looking forward to diving into all the blackberries myself…..and definitely will go back!

  2. Your photos are great! I had a wonderful time as well, and the kids all seemed so happy. How cute about your goofball… the fact he actually picked it right off the tree probably helped make it taste so good!

  3. I am so glad you got to go and had such a fun time! I LOVE your pictures. I think farms are the most beautiful places. I am a part of Philly Social Media Mom's as well : ) Super nice to meet you. Your son is adorable to the max!

  4. Love the pictures!

    Yes, 2 of mine loved the sour apples – go figure.

    I also loved putting faces to names, and I'll be looking for the moms I met at the next workshop.

  5. Great pic and great day with the kiddos! I remember my grandfather always bringing us to the farm to pick blueberries and strawberries – i think we ate more than we bought! oops!

  6. Pingback: 5 Best Tips for Blackberries | A Grande Life

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