On Saturday, I met up with Jenni and Kelly {and the kiddos} at the Please Touch Museum. This was our first visit to the museum and I don’t know why it took us so long for us to visit! We arrived at about 9:30 and didn’t leave until 3 {yes, he was having that much fun}!
As we waited for our friends to arrive, E played in River Adventures. Just a warning, do this last! They will get soaked and never want to leave!
When the rest of our group arrived, I was able to detour E away from the water and over to Roadside Attractions. So far, we were 2 for 2! E loved driving this truck!
We then made our way over to Flight Fantasy. This was one of E’s favorite spots. He would played with the “floating balls” for hours! He was so amazed.
Next it was time for a quick picnic in the park {this is also the point at which E a slight meltdown!}. These two had us cracking up at their little lunch date. We reached cuteness overload when Carter poured Izzy a glass of milk and while Carter wasn’t looking, Iz stole his sandwich!
We finally made our way downstairs to City Capers. There were so many choices for the kids to pick from! We made our way from the Construction area {which pulled E out of his funk} to the CHOP nursery. I don’t know if it was all the practice we’ve been doing for his baby brother or if its part of his personality but he was so caring to the babies. He dressed them, fed them, weighed him, and even made them “not sick.”
After playing in the hospital for awhile, we headed over to one of the most popular exhibits, the ShopRite Supermarket and kitchen. E had a blast running throught the Supermarket Supermarket Sweep style. He was piling up his cart with cereal, crackers, cupcakes, and bread. What can I say my kid likes carbs!
After a short visit through the Alice in Wonderland maze, E declared his belly was hungry. We visited the Cafe and I was pleasantly surprised at all the choices: pizza, sandwiches, hot dogs, and pasta! And let’s not forget all the delicious snacks. All of the kiddos {and their mama’s} thoroughly enjoyed their lunches!
The trip would not be complete without a ride on the carousel! Another definite highlight of the day!
E kept chattering the whole way home about how much fun he had and that he wants to bring daddy next time! We are already planning our next visit to check out the exhibits we didn’t have time for {ACCESS/Ability, Centennial Exploration, Liberty Arm, and MORE!}.
Aww, I love this post! We had such a great time with you guys… I just wish I could have seen more of you and Kel, lol.
PS- I LOVED when Iz stole Carter's sandwich while he poured her milk. I was actually cheering her on as she did it… "yeah, get 'em woman!" 😉
Wow this sn awesome place and I love your pictures- Its times like these I wished we lived in (or near) a big city!!
ditto jenni! that's why we need GNO!
steph, thanks so much for inviting us and thanks to the staff at PTM. It really is a fantastic, well thought our operation they have there.
I'm so glad that you guys had fun. A part of me wishes that I could bring my kiddos up during BLOG With Love so they could all play together.
But then I think about how nice it will be to have Mommy time, so the kids will have to have a playdate weekend later this year 😉 Because I am coming back for sure!
I'm so jealous! I wish we had such an amazing place for kids!
ohmygosh this place looks like so much fun!!
That looks like a kid's dream place to play! 🙂 So fun!
Aww, I love this post! We had such a great time with you guys… I just wish I could have seen more of you and Kel, lol.
PS- I LOVED when Iz stole Carter's sandwich while he poured her milk. I was actually cheering her on as she did it… "yeah, get 'em woman!" 😉
Wow this sn awesome place and I love your pictures- Its times like these I wished we lived in (or near) a big city!!
ditto jenni! that's why we need GNO!
steph, thanks so much for inviting us and thanks to the staff at PTM. It really is a fantastic, well thought our operation they have there.
I'm so glad that you guys had fun. A part of me wishes that I could bring my kiddos up during BLOG With Love so they could all play together.
But then I think about how nice it will be to have Mommy time, so the kids will have to have a playdate weekend later this year 😉 Because I am coming back for sure!
I'm so jealous! I wish we had such an amazing place for kids!
ohmygosh this place looks like so much fun!!
That looks like a kid's dream place to play! 🙂 So fun!