Q&A with yours truly!

I was going to write a real post today but you guys have come up with some great questions for me.

Jayme from TaterTwins:  I have a Nikon D5000 with the lens that came with it. What do you recommend I get for another lens?

Me: The kit lens is “ok” but my go-to lens is the 35 mm f/1.8. Love this lens! Most of photographs are taken with this lens.

Blue Violet from A Nut in a Nut Shell: What was your very first post about?

Me: Check it out here!

Angela from Angelaisms: What held you back from that post a whole year?

Me: I held off simply because I forgot about it. I really didn’t know much about blogging then. But I’m glad I picked it back up. I have made a ton of great “friends” through blogging. You can read the early posts HERE.

Sara from Unofficial Mom: How did you pick E’s name?

Me: I kinda answered that last time but I’ll give you the short answer. I always wanted the name Ethan, the hubster didn’t. E was born via emergency c-section and before I could into surgery I insisted that we name him. The hubster gave in, I won! And that is how E got his name!

Nic from 4 Better 4 Worse: If a money tree was growing in your backyard, what is the first thing you would buy?

Me: If I said buy another house, could I take the tree with us?

Kelli: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Me: Hands down, NYC. I love the city! When I am there, I get the feeling that I belong there. I never had the chance to live there (well, sorta kinda) and I do regret that. But I visit every chance that I can get!

Holly from What Holly Has Seen: Where did you learn how to do HTML blog designs?

Me: Google. Google can teach you just about anything!

I have a bunch more questions to answer so stay tuned for yet another post.

Play along with ask me anything! Leave a comment and unveil yourself.

1. How did you find me?
2. What do you like most about my blog?
3. Green or blue?
4. Ask me anything!

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