"Beach" Reads

One of the things I hope to accomplish while on vacation is to read. I haven’t sat down to read a book since I was pregnant. The only chance I get to read is..gasp!..in the bathroom. Since we are staying with family, I want to take advantage of their willingness to want to watch and play with E.

That’s where you come in. I need some suggestions for “beach” reads. Something I don’t have to think too hard about but still a page turner.

I have read all of the Shopaholic Series, Bridget Jones, Devil Wears Prada, etc. The last book I read was The Glass Castle. I loved it but I’m looking for something a little “lighter”.

Leave your suggestions in the comment area!

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One Comment

  1. I don't know if you have ever read anything by Jennifer Crusie but her stuff is very light & funny. Some of it I would call chick lit while a few of hers are straight up romance novels, it just depends on what you like. I have read almost all of her books and liked them all, they are definitely page-turners!

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