
Shopping My Closet for BlogHer

Next Wednesday, I will be heading up to New York City for the mecca of all blogging conferences, BlogHer. I have my schedule set {kinda} so now I am focusing, on what else, clothes!

With the cost of the ticket, hotel, and transportation, I was left with a pretty tight budget when it came to clothes. So I turned to my closet {and my sister’s}. I knew I probably had a lot of outfits I could wear. I even dug into my bin of clothes that used to fit that now fit and found a ton!

I narrowed it down to 8 outfits {all from my closet}!

what to wear to blogher12
I am definitely packing #3 and possibly #4.

what to wear to blogher12Definitely bringing #2, #3, and #4.

I did buy a new black dress that makes me look teeny tiny so of course I will be wearing that!

I am walk/running the 5K on Friday so make sure you look out for this shirt! And if you do see it, please take a picture and tweet it to me {@mrsgloves} with the hashtag #BeYouBH12! There might be a bar in it for you!

Now that the outfits are picked, it’s time to talk shoes! The wonderful people at 6pm.com sent me these super comfy black wedges! I will probably be wearing these 99% of the time.

I also have a pair of nude wedges that I will be packing. I knew I would be ok with the black and nude wedges but I wanted something special {sparkly} for Sparklecorn! That’s where My Shoe Connection came in. They were wonderful enough to send me these sparkly shoes! Best part, they make me so tall {which doesn’t take much} and they are comfy!

Up next, accessories! I knew I wanted a nice tote. Something small but that would fit my camera, iPad, and wallet. I searched everyone. I finally ended up at Ross and spotted this beauty on the clearance rack! That’s right, I snagged this Nine West tote for only $25!

My next stop for accessories was my favorite store, Charming Charlie. I knew I would find what I was looking for there. And I did…at a steal! All of their clearances items are Buy One, Get One Free right! I bought 2 belts and 2 necklaces for only $15!

what to wear to blogher12

Phew! I think that’s it. I think I am ready! Now I just need to pack…eek!

Disclosure: A huge thank you to Medifast for being a sponsor and helping me lose 37 pounds. I now have the confidence to wear those clothes and feel good about myself! Another thank you to My Shoe Connection for those rocking shoes for Sparklecorn. And lastly, a thank you to 6pm.com for the most comfortable wedges to wear in New York City!

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  1. Pingback: The BlogHer ’12 Preparation Edition of the Talk of the Parent Blogosphere | Type-A Parent
  2. You are going to be TOO cute! I love #4 from the first set, definitely pack it!

  3. I LOVE the #4 outfit in the first group. That would look great with either pair of wedges. And those sparkly shoes? It’s a good thing I’m not going. I would possibly attempt to wrestle them off your feet. And that would be weird. I hope you have a blast and stay safe!

  4. Yup, I need to get on this! Love your choices though and that little black dress is adorable!!!!!

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