Spider Web Door Sign
I can not believe Halloween is only a little over a week away! And I am ashamed to admit, I haven’t done any decorating. Not that I go all out or anything but there aren’t even any decorative pumpkins out on the table.
One thing I can always count on doing is decorating the front door! Every season, I swap out the decorative touches on my burlap wreath and, for Halloween, I dress it up even more for the Trick or Treaters.
This year, we are having a little fun with it. And that fun includes Duct Tape! I have a slight obsession with washi tape and have been working more with Duct Tape as well. You can create this fun Spider Web Door Sign out of black, orange, and gold duct tape!
Spider Web Door Sign
To make this Spider Web Door Sign, you will need the following:
Materials: black, orange, and gold duct tape, oversized sheet of paper (ideally 18″ x 24″), parchment paper.
Tools: pencil, ruler, scissors, white grease pencil
1. Fold the oversized sheet of paper in half lengthwise, then fold in half crosswise. From the folded corner, draw a diagonal line to the opposite corner. You should now have two triangles. From the same corner, draw two more diagonal lines, dividing each triangle in half.
2. Starting at the bottom left corner, draw slightly U shaped line upward, connecting to the left end of the diagonal line above it. From this point, draw another U shaped line to the next diagonal line, and repeat until you reach the top right corner of the folded paper.
3. Starting approximately 2″ inward from the bottom left corner, repeat step #2.
4. Starting approximately 4″ inward from the bottom left corner, repeat step #2. You should now have 1/4 of a spider web pattern.
5. Carefully cut out the top two lines of the web pattern, cutting each drawn line approximately 1/4″ thick. Leave the middle part intact. Unfold the paper. This is the web template. Set aside.
6. Using black duct tape for the front side and gold duct tape for the back side, make a double-sided duct tape fabric measuring 18″ high and 24″ wide. (See instructional video: https://youtu.be/6YZSNYyy57w )
7. Take the web template and place it on top of the fabric. Trace the template onto the fabric. Remove the template and cut the web pattern out of the fabric.
8. On the parchment paper, draw a spider. (You can also do a Google search for “spider drawing” and trace any free illustrations.) Cover the drawing with orange duct tape. Flip over the parchment paper and you can still see the drawing. Cut out the drawing. Remove the parchment paper from the back of the spider and place it on the web.
9. On the parchment paper, draw “Boo!” in large bubble letters. Cover the drawing with gold duct tape. Flip over the parchment paper and you can still see the letters. Cut out the letters. Remove the parchment paper from the back of the letters and place it on the web.
This tutorial is brought to you by the fabulous Richela Fabian Morgan! She began her duct tape odyssey 8 years ago with a simple bi-fold wallet, before writing the best-selling crafting books Tape It & Make It, Tape It & Make More, and Tape It & Wear It.
For more information, please visit,www.RichelaFabianMorgan.com and connect with her on Facebook, www.facebook.com/CraftyRichela