SPLENDA® #SweetSwaps


Ah Monday. You are so consistent in your arrival. And with it you bring the start of a new week faced with new challenges and anticipated joys. Like children who think 5:30 is an acceptable wake up time. Good thing I am stocked up on the essentials!


Anyone who knows me well knows that I have mt morning essentials. The things that I just could not start my day without.  My morning coffee with 2 SPLENDA® and creamer. Without it,we all may not survive! The pantry is always stocked with enough coffee and  SPLENDA® to get through any major disaster. Including my children.

But there are more ways than just your morning coffee to make a sweet swap!

Just about anywhere you love sugar, you’ll love SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener! The SPLENDA® Brand is dishing out 365 ways to swap sugar for SPLENDA® Sweetener Products. Visit www.365SweetSwaps.com for tips and recipes to help you save calories from added sugar all year long.

Want more tips?


The Motherhood is teaming up with SPLENDA® Sweetener Products for this fun Twitter party to share SPLENDA® 365 SWEET SWAPS™ tips and recipes!

Join us to hear recipes, tips and other simple lifestyle changes that can lead to big results over time!

When: Tuesday, March 4 at noon ET/11 a.m. CT/9 a.m. PT

Twtvite: http://twtvite.com/sweetswaps

Hashtag: #SweetSwaps

Hosted by @TheMotherhood, @TheMotherhood25, @CooperMunroe and @EmilyMcKhann

Prizes will be randomly awarded to five participants who answer the trivia questions correctly. Each prize includes a $50 Visa Gift Card and an assortment of SPLENDA® Sweetener Products! Prizes limited to U.S. participants only.

Disclosure: This post is part of the SPLENDA® 365 SWEET SWAPS ™ blogger program by McNeil Nutritionals, LLC. and The Motherhood, who sent me products and compensated me for my time. Opinions, experiences and photos shared here are my own, and I hope you enjoy them.


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