Spring Clean Your Blog

The first day of Spring is right around the corner which means you are probably busy cleaning out your closets and deep cleaning your house. But don’t just stop there.  Don’t forget to do a little spring cleaning on your blog!

spring clean your blog 2

Clean Up Your Sidebar

Take a look at your sidebar. Is it getting cluttered? Do you have outdated buttons or ads that have expired? Clean out the tchotchkes and get some white space back on your blog.

Fix Broken Links

If you’re on WordPress, you should install Broken Link Checker. Why should you fix those broken links? Valid links help search engine spiders navigate your blog. One of your goals for SEO is to make your site friendly for the web spiders. If they can  navigate your site without hitting a roadblock, your site can be indexed and you will get more page views. If you have broken links, the spiders can’t follow them.

Update Your About Page

Update your kids’ ages (or better yet, remove your kids’ ages and add the years instead), add new accomplishments, and whatever else you would like to show off on your about me page. Also, don’t forget to update your site’s stats.

Update Plugins and Themes

It seems like there is a new update every day when it comes to plugins and themes. But sometimes, it pays to wait. Many times when there are new releases there are also bugs to the update. I tend to wait a while before updating to make sure there isn’t any issues.

Delete Unused Plugins

Do you have a thousand plugins like I do? Chances are you aren’t using all of them. Go through and delete any unused plugins you may have to keep your site moving quickly.

Go Through Drafts

How many times have you sat down to write a blog post and then not finish it? If you have a bunch of posts in draft, go through them. Pull out the posts that you can salvage and finish those posts! If the post is outdated, trash it.

Update Old Posts

Did you post about a sale or coupon? Chances are those posts are no longer relevant. Instead of deleting the post, update the post to give it longevity. Throw in some affiliate links and remove the sale or coupon information. This is also a good time to go through and interlink your posts with each other.

Get a New Headshot

I know, I am guilty of it too. We all want to use the headshot of us pre-kids (and minus 10-15 lbs) but you need to do it. You don’t want someone to meet you at a blog conference or meet up and not know who you are. Invest in yourself and hire a professional photographer. Your headshot should look clean and professional, not like you took it on your cell phone and ran it through an Instagram filter. Check out my tips on what to wear for headshots.

Update Your Disclosure Page

Go through your disclosure page and make sure that the programs are current and relevant.

Clean Up Your Categories

Another thing I am guilty of: too many categories. I blame blogger and not really knowing what I was doing back then. When I made the switch over to WordPress, I started cleaning up my categories and utilizing tags more often. I don’t know what the right amount of categories should be, what the golden number is. But I do know, I have way too many!

Spring Clean Your Blog Checklist

To help you Spring Clean Your Blog, I put together this checklist! Not only will this help you get better organized but they will make your site look cleaner and run smoother. Just click on the photo below or click here!

spring clean your blog checklist



go ahead pin me

Want more blogging tips? Make sure you follow my Better Your Blog – Blogging Tips and Tricks Pinterest Page. Don’t forget to pin this Spring Clean Your Blog Checklist to help you out!

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  1. I *just* cleaned out my categories but have a feeling they could use a little more tweaking. I think I’m going to use that link widget thingy because I recently moved to WordPress after 7 years on Typepad, and two before it, on Blogger and I KNOW I have a ton of broken links that need to either be deleted, or fixed.

    Thanks for the link-checker, and the great reminders that this is something we need to spruce up in addition to clearing the cobwebs behind the fridge!

  2. Great tips, I keep telling myself I need to go through and update things just have to make time.

  3. I have already cleaned up my sidebar, and got a new header. What I want to do next is update some pages like my about page, some affiliate pages, and my contact page. I think even if you don’t have kids in the mix, you still need new photos every now and then,

  4. I desperately need to check for broken links and my about me page is due for an update, too. Thanks for the reminder! Adding these to my to-do list and pinning this!

  5. Ooo. I really needed this post. There are a number of these things that I need to do. Guess who’s gonna be Spring Cleaning (Blog & House) this weekend! Yep, ME!

  6. Guilty…I haven’t even thought about doing any of that!
    My sidebars are pretty good but I need a new headshot for sure.
    Especially one that is loaded onto this computer.

  7. It is funny you mention this because I was thinking about doing it the other day. As soon as I read, “Broken links” I went over to my blog and fixed mine. I have that plug-in too. I need to update all the other stuff too. I checked my about me page and had last updated when my now 10 month old was only 4 months. Eeek. At least it wasn’t too bad. But now I’m going to go through my site this week thanks to your prodding. 🙂

  8. I desperately need a new headshot, but I am SOOOO photophobic!! lol Great post, I like your highlighted blog post buttons in your sidebar!

  9. Here I am thinking about all of these things to clean around the house and it never dawned on me that my blog could use some spring cleaning too. Gotta put that on my to-do list.

  10. I really need to do the categories. I have way too many. I also need to update my headshot but don’t know how LOL.

  11. Agh. Yes, a new headshot (guilty of the instagram selfie headshot). And this weekend is a perfect time to clean up the blog and make a list of to-dos for the site! Thanks for the reminders!

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