That’s My Boy | Wordless

Benny is a boy after my own heart. He is definitely my boy. Gone are the days where he longing stared at his purees and gobbled them down. Now, he scoffs at them. “Purees, my ass,” he’s thinking. Bring on the pasta, the meatballs, the mac and cheese, the french fries, the fruit {not mashed, mind you!}, and the ice cream. I swear, that kid would be content sitting in his booster seat all day just eating away.

This past weekend, we went to Chickie’s and Pete’s. And yes, he scarfed down Crab Fries. Crab Fries?! At 10 months old.

That’s my boy!

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One Comment

  1. Ha! I love it! My little guy doesn’t go for the purees anymore either – he’s 8 months so right now he’s loving chunks of fruit, rice, etc – anything he can hold and feed to himself. He’s gonna be an independent little fella I can tell you that much 🙂

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