The Animated Steph
It’s a real treat to meet me in person. No seriously, I am not just tooting my own horn here. When you read me here or my tweets, you are only getting the one-dimensional Steph. But, in person, you are getting the 3-D Steph. The Steph that is right there…in your face. The Animated Steph.
Yes, I am loud.
Yes, I talk.. a lot.
Yes, I am animated.
And, yes, I over share {but who doesn’t?}.
When you are sitting at a table with me sipping on a Diet Pepsi with a twist of foot, there’s no telling what you might hear from me.
You might hear about the time I chased a student down a busy road when he ran away from school.
You might just hear about the time I fought another girl during a High School football game.
You might realize that we have six degrees of separation a la Kevin Bacon.
You might wonder where my curly hair is.
You will most definitely wonder if I had been drinking {I wasn’t. That’s just me. Scary isn’t it?}
I may sing annoying Christmas songs until pee your pants.
And I might get you to demonstrate an exercise routine.
I may raise the roof one to many times.
And I may turn something totally innocent into something very inapproriate {what?}.
And if you make it through all of that and you are still not scared of me. Well than I am one lucky girl to be in your company. If you can handle all of me and not be completely annoyed with me, then you are all right in my book!
HOw can I not love this?
I love you. =)
True dat.
The real Steph is an even more awesome version of her online persona. If you’re lucky enough to meet her you won’t be disappointed.