Every year, I have the grand plans of taking our annual “DAD” picture. You know the one.

dad (1)

I took this back in 2011 and is our very first DAD picture. This was probably the easiest year for me to take those photos. That probably had something to do with Ben not being mobile. I only had to get one to look at me and sit still!

The following year wasn’t too bad. Ben was mobile but it was easy to get him to sit still long enough for the pictures.

208935_4164074740580_2486662_nI believe I bribed them with some kind of treat for this one!

And then there’s last year. I was able to squeeze these in when I was taking their yearly portraits.

999007_10201333630043159_387314066_nI managed to have them coordinated this year and look at that they are both looking at the camera.

But this year? Oh man, this year was tough. They were fine when it was time to take their pictures separately.


But when I asked them to stand nicely together and look at me at the same time, that is what I got. And I will admit, I got frustrated. I may have even yelled a bit (ok, a lot) but I had to take a step back.

Because I knew no matter what the pictures looked like, my husband would cherish those pictures. He looks forward to updating these photos every single year. The kids knew it but somehow I forgot about that.

It’s true. You learn more from your kids than they learn from you!

Happy Father’s Day!


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