
Watermarking Images in Photoshop Elements

We’ve watermarked with PicMonkey. And we’ve watermarked in Lightroom. Now it’s time to learn how to watermark our images in Photoshop Elements!

As I shared last week, I’m a Lightroom user. Even though I have a copy of Photoshop Elements, I hardly ever touch it. I love the simplicity of Lightroom and it fits my needs. But since I have it, I thought I would play around with it and learn how to watermark images.

There are two ways you can watermark your images using Photoshop Elements: create a brush or batch watermark. In this tutorial, I am using Photoshop Elements 12, however, the steps are similar in other versions.

Watermarking Images inPhotoshop Elements

Creating a Brush for Your Watermark

1. Create a new file. Set your size to 2500 pixels wide and 300 pixels high. Make sure that the background is transparent.

step 1

2. Activate the Type tool by clicking ‘T’ on your keyboard, or clicking the T in the toolbar. Select your font.

step 2

3. Type on the background whatever you want your watermark to say.

step 3

4. Now you’re ready to save your brush. Activate the brush tool by hitting the B key. Make sure Default Brushes is selected in the drop down box.

step 4

5. From the Edit menu, select “Define Brush from Selection.”

step 5

6. Name your watermark and save it. You are now ready to use your watermark!

If you want to use a logo instead of text, follow the steps above. Instead of using the Type tool to write out your watermark, open the image that you want to use and save it as a brush.

Using Your Watermark Brush

1. Open your photo and activate the Brush tool by hitting the B key.

step 1

2. If you don’t see your watermark brush on the brushes palette, use the flyout menu and select “Load Brushes”. Find the brush you created. It should now be available on the brushes palette.

3. Choose your watermark brush. You can adjust the size and opacity using the sliders.

step 7

4. Apply the brush to where you would like it on your photo.

step 13

5. Save your photo!

If you have a bunch of photos that you need to watermark, you can batch watermark in Photoshop Elements.

Batch Watermark with Photoshop Elements

1. Open the photos in Editor. Click Expert. Select file and then  Process Multiple Files.

step 9

3. From the Process Files From drop-down list, select Opened Files.

step 1-

4. Browse and select the folder in which you want to save the photos after the watermark is added. When you watermark using this process, the image file will be changed permanently. Make sure to select a file folder different than the original file folder.

5. Click the drop-down list in the Labels area and select Watermark. Here you can specify the font, font size, position, and opacity that you want to display as the watermark.

step 12

8. Click OK. To view the changes, open the photos from the folder you specified.


Come back next week to find out how to watermark your images in Photoshop!

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