
We Need Your Help.

Dear Readers,

I need your help. We need your help. The Delaware Valley Food Banks are EMPTY. Yes, you read the right EMPTY. I am sure this is happening across the country. But you can help!

Every year, WMMR and morning show hosts Preston and Steve host The Camp Out for Hunger. For one week every winter, they live in an RV in a shopping center. There, they collect donations that go to the Delaware Valley Food Banks.

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This year, a bunch of my mommy friends will be collecting as many donations as possible and heading down to the RV to hand in our donation. For more information on our food drive, head on over to Momma Brown’s Annual Food Drive.

If you live in the Philadelphia Metro Area and would like to help out, there are several drop off sites for you to make your donation. If you are reading my blog from across the country and would like to make a donation, simply head over to Acme Markets and make a monetary donation. You have until November 25th to make an online donation.

No donation is too small. In this times, every dollar truly counts.

I also urge you to make donation (no matter how small) to your local food banks. Please do not let a family in your community go hungry this holiday!

Many thanks,


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One Comment

  1. I wish I could help. I'm a wee bit too far away, unfortunately. I will help over here though instead.

    Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes! xx

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