What to Wear for Headshots for Your Blog

You finally decided to take the plunge and get professional headshots for your blog. This photo will soon be all over your social media pages, sidebar, business cards, Linked In page, and more! So you want to make sure that it best represents you and your brand. Sounds like a lot of pressure right? No!

Follow these simple tips below and you will put together the winning outfit that will make you shine!

what to wear for headshots for your blog

Skip the trends. Unless you plan on getting your headshot done again in year. If you are anything like me, you will use this new headshot until you don’t even recognize yourself anymore. If you aren’t keen on getting your headshot redone frequently, think twice about wearing any trendy pieces. They will make your headshot look dated in a year or two.

Go light on the jewelry. Instead of piling on the jewelry, pick a statement necklace and keep your earrings simple. Are chandelier earrings more your thing? Than keep the necklace plain. You don’t want to have anything competing with your face. Afterall, that is what you want people to notice. Instead, use your jewlery to frame your face!

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Consider you background. If your headshot is going to be taken in front of a white or neutral color wall, you want to make sure you pick colors that will pop. You don’t want to fade into the background. Same goes for when taking them outdoors. When you stand in front of a lot of green, you need a strong color that will make you stand out. However, if you are going with a fun background or one with lots of colors (like standing in a field of colorful flowers), you want to try and pick one strong color so the eye is drawn to you.


Don’t try something new. This is not the time to chop off all your hair or go from blonde to jet black. What happens if you hate it? You’ll have to reschedule until yourhair is back to “normal.” Besides, you want to make sure you look like you. If you really hate the new style and grow it out, you won’t match your photos and then you’ll have to get another set taken.

Use props. But don’t go overboard! Bring your laptop, your camera, or your wisk to help the viewer know what you and your blog is all about.

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Ask for a variety. Make sure you tell your photographer that you would like a variety of shots. Up close, three-quarter, full-length, portrait, landscape, you need versatility! While a portrait up-close might be great on your sidebar, a three-quarter landscape would look great on a business card.

Be yourself! Above all, be yourself! If you are fun and quirky, run with it! Really let your personality shine through. Don’t be afraid of being candid and getting a little silly. If you are more on the shy side, it’s ok to not look directly at the camera! You don’t have to be staring down your viewer for it to be a good photograph.

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