
What We’ve Been Up to Lately {via Instagram}

Our summer has been so crazy and hectic and busy and fun! I can’t believe it’s August and before I know it, Ethan will be off to Kindergarten {what?!} and Ben will be headed to Pre-School.

Here is what we have been up to so far this summer {via Instagram!}.

We’ve put our toes in the sand.

summer recap 2

And splashed in the pool.


We’ve had some accidents.

summer recap

And have been really silly.

summer recap 3

We’ve visited the Windy City.


And ate tons of ice cream.


We’ve painted with water.


And blown bubbles.


We’ve had our share of meltdowns.


But we did it all together.

summer recap 4

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer brings!


What have you been up to this summer? Link up your summer fun posts!

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  1. You guys have had quite the summer! SO fun! We are finally back from all of our vacations and I am so very happy about that:) Nice to be home!

  2. Looks like a great summer! We’ve had a good one, too. Lots of day trips and pool time.

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