Where’s the Pause Button?

Seriously, you guys, I need a pause button. I am 15 weeks pregnant {wah?!} with a 2.5 year old. A 2.5 year old?! When did all this happen?

I mean come on, this is not a baby anymore, it’s not even a toddler. He looks like a grown up boy!!!

{Fall 2010 School Pic}

As the weeks are flying by, I find that I am going to miss just having E. I am going to miss our time. I am also feeling a little guilty that we are going to be rocking his world come May.

I need to press pause on the “I loves you.”

I need to press pause on the “I sleep in yours bed now.”

I need to press pause on all the hugs and kisses.

I need to press pause on the weekends.

I need to press pause on the singing and dancing to “Blue’s Clues” {complete with jazz hands}.

I need to press pause on the “Hello Everybody” performances.

I need to press pause on the litte big snores.

I need to press pause on that precious face.

Slow down sweet boy. It’s going way too fast!


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One Comment

  1. Awe, it doesn't seem possible does it? I remember I was pregnant and had a two year old at home as well. I wanted to stop time and take it all in and not miss a minute of her life. The second baby came all too soon and even though life changed, it was so good! I hope you are feeling well!

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