Why Are We Should-ing All Over Ourselves?
This line from Sex and the City has never been more true. As I was watching the episode for the hundredth time yesterday, it really got me thinking.
Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?
I’ve seen the posts on Facebook and other blogs about hating the “Hallmark” holidays for creating a competition between moms. One trying to out do the other.
We’ve all read the “Dear Mom on Her iPhone” post and the rebuttal posts that followed.
Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?
Why are you getting upset over what someone else decides to do? Is it because you think you should be doing it? Is it because you think others think you should be doing it?
I don’t play Leprechaun or Elf on the Shelf or whatever magical creature someone comes up with next because I think I should be doing it.
I don’t do it for likes on Instagram or Facebook.
I don’t do it for blog fodder.
I do it because of this face.
I do it because it brings joy to my children.
I do it to create memories.
We are should-ing all over ourselves and we have no one to blame but ourselves {myself including}. I have felt guilty a million times for sitting on my phone either playing or actually doing work while my kids were off playing at the park. You feel the guilt whenever you choose something for yourself over your child.
Even though we feel as if the guilt is being thrusted upon us by other moms and society as a whole, we, honestly, only have ourselves to blame.
We are placing this mom guilt on ourselves.
Why are we should-ing all ourselves?
I’m linking up to Things I Can’t Say‘s Pour Your Heart Out.
This is going to be a bookmarked post for me! We all need reminders! Thank you!
This is a wonderful post! What a great reminder. Sex and the City wisdom … Gotta love it!
I love this – it seems we can “should” ourselves crazy – where we “could” be spending more time with our kids. By we, I mean me. Thanks for the reminder.
I’m a blogger that spoke out about hating the Hallmark holidays and that’s just how I feel. It doesn’t make me feel like I SHOULD be doing festive things on those holidays for my kids, I just don’t care for them and choose not to participate, I recognize it’s my choice and no one can make me feel any certain way but me. I had an “a-ha” moment 2 Christmases ago about trying to be a Perfect Pinterest Mom like my social media feed was showing. Then I woke up and realized I put immense pressure on myself for NOTHING. My husband and my children love me for me, not my craftiness….or lack thereof.
This is a great post. It is amazing how much wisdom we could get from Sex in The City.
I big puffy heart SATC and this post. You are right we are shoulding all over ourselves.
Love this.
It does seem like there’s extra pressure from fb and pinterest and instagram to do all sorts of creative things. But we each need to do only that which works for our families, not because everyone else is doing it.