Wish List Wednesday

wishlist wednesday

This week it’s all about my photography. Here is my current wish list of gear that I would like to have in my bag.

1. External Flash ~ I know I will need one of these eventually if I start doing more events.

2. Seamless Paper ~ I can not wait to order this! I love the look and it will help my build my portrait portfolio.

3. Stand for Seamless Paper ~ I have seen a lot of photographers talk about a cheao alternative to the expensive background stands. The IKEA clothes rack. I’ve looked into it and I think it would be perfect for me. It breaks down and is adjustable in height.

4. Zoom Lens ~ Don’t get me wrong, I love my kit lens. But I would love the ability to zoom even farther.

5. Shoot Sac ~ I love, love, LOVE this bag! I want it, I need it, I have to have it!

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  1. Hi! I am so giving this post to my friend kristen (www.kristenbonsphotography.com)
    she is a budding photog and would love this post! Thanks for the comments! I'll follow you!

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