your three words

“I love it!” is E’s current favorite phrase. And we owe it all to Great-Granny. E spent the week walking around saying “I love it” to just about everything.

“I love my Buzz and Woody cereal.”

“I love my orange juice.”

“My sting ray! I love it!”

I truly think he believes that if he says “I love it” to something we will either buy it for him or give it to him.

But the cutest “I love it’ of them all was when he said “I love Poppa and Granny’s house” on our way home. We had so much fun on vacation, we didn’t want to leave. The hubster has been torturing me by sending me links to houses out there. It sure is tempting but I could never do it. I would miss my family way too much. 4 hours is a long drive.

We just have to visit more often!


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  1. Such a great photo. My sons 3 favorite words. Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. Only you have to say it really really fast.

  2. Stopping by from the Friday Follow to say hello!
    Thanks for playing.
    Have a great Friday!

  3. I'm glad you all had such a great time on your vacation. E looks so darn cute in that picture!

    I love it! 😀

  4. Awwww, little E is so cute! We also have an "E", only his name is Garrett, whic really makes no sense at all, does it? My E loves Buzz and Woody too!

    Isn't it funny when they hear a saying and then they walk around saying it all the time?

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and showing your support in reference to the nasty comment left by "BFF"!

  5. how cute is he? looking so pensive and serious! What a doll you have, "I love it!"

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